【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』选择资产稳健的产品,往往拥有穿越周期的能力,同时也要追求更高的性价比,在其稀有性的支撑下保持着价值的恒定,成为市面上真正的“硬通货”。实景图TOD低密墅级洋房+单价5.48万/㎡起(房源号:17-33-102),尤其是超100亿总销金额,1621位业主的人气保证,【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!这样一个被多数人都青睐的项目,一定是上海更具价值的存在!在这里已经能看到TOD大城的凌空天际线,买到的是轨交之上的正宗TOD,3个红绿灯就能轻松上中环。【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!实景图闵行王者保利光合TOD,携凌空低密洋房新品归来,带你实现进阶生活的超值体验。保利·光合跃城,仅1.13容积率【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!,建面约106㎡全能成长型3房,建面约143㎡阚景宽厅一步到位,仅剩少量房源!真正摸透上海楼市的脾气,懂行的朋友,都不愿错过这次机会。实景图【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!小程序01引领TOD5.0时代大城市的超级中心,无不都是围绕着交通出现的,链接城市,是交通的底层逻辑,也是TOD的顶层设计。正如城市进化永无止境,【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!TOD的进阶之路亦未曾止步。实景图如今,保利以地铁+公园+产业+商业+城市+居住+人一体化全盘高阶塑造的强大产城互联综合体,引领上海进入TOD5.0时代。【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!一个生机永续的TOD城市中心,也确定了保利光合TOD核心级枢纽地标的地位。示意图百万方的精彩,正从向往变成日常磅礴体量,与生俱来承担着城市级作品的澎湃势能。不仅仅是一个项目开发,更是区域级城市再造。当百万方大城整体运营的雄心澎湃而来【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!,时代的红利、城市的机遇,这一次更与你有关。实景图与轨交的亲密距离,这才是关键步行可至,5站徐汇交通能级越高,地段价值越大,被称为西部大动脉的15号线,自北向南串联3大科创园区、9所高校。从项目出发前往15号线元江路站,真正的步行可至【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!,当你亲自用脚丈量之后更有切身体验。5站徐汇、9站上海南站、12站漕河泾,还可换乘1/2/3/7/13号线等,扼守城市发展的咽喉。示意图3个红绿灯上中环自驾同样便捷,3个红绿灯轻松上中环。元江路自西向东串联起了嘉闵高架、沪金高速、虹梅高架路、龙吴路等主要交通干道,快速进入市区及大虹桥,【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!通过南侧的申嘉湖高速,实现浦东、浦西“双机场”的便捷切换。实景图约2万方超级街区光合里,先睹为快在“百万方”数字的背后,便流动着人间烟火的线索。在这里生长出来的全能设施,几乎每个角落,都能看到惊喜。在约2万方超级街区光合里,【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!筑就盖下约4600㎡摩登商街、约5000㎡社区设施,盖上约10000㎡丰盈街区。示意图盖上约10000㎡丰盈街区丰盈街区已经实景呈现在大家面前。街区与生活共融,烟火与艺术共生,活力与静谧相映,人与人自由相逢,让传统的集中式设施星罗棋布于社区的【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!每个角落,让斑斓的高级烟火气随处蔓延。试想一下,在微风和煦的下午,与闺蜜一起坐在咖啡吧分享着最近的快乐,楼下便是碧波荡漾的湖水与葱葱郁郁的公园,宛若置身公园之中。【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!实景图实景图长在约20万方超级滨水双公园里上海从来不缺公园,稀缺的是真正住进城市级公【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!里的生活。约20万方双主题滨水公园,为上海定义了当代城市滨水生活。如今,约4万㎡滨水城市公园完整实景展示,专业级别约1300㎡波普艺术滑板公园,俨然已经成为沪上新晋运动圣地,【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!实现公园的自由抵达,就是实现生活的自由想象。实景图教育赋能:两大教育集团战略签约教育是城市软实力竞争的灵魂,保利光合TOD内还拥有优质的教育用地(规划为幼儿园和小学),已与闵行区春申教育发展基金会、闵行区实验小学教育集团签署战略合作协议,未来将引入多元丰富的优质教育资源。未来让孩子感受到“家门口的学校”,父母接送更轻松,儿童也更安全。【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!两大国际住宅初具雏形从我们的航拍镜头可以看到,保利光合臻园、保利光合上城已经初具雏形,保利光合TOD开始形成规模,在如今这个时代,看得到的价值兑现,才是信心所在。实景图如对该项目感兴趣请点击小程序预约看房金数据AI表单丨报名问卷收款考试,,,独家优惠保利光合跃城小程序02当低密凌空遇上墅级洋房正如一座城市,有疏有密、有功能有逸趣、有设施有生活;更重要的是,保利·光合跃城有自己的“性格与气质”。换一个角度看待城市,我们找到了离未来更近的生活,从0米滨水公园城,到10米丰盛的烟火舞台,再到17米宁静的低密栖居,【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!让我们从空间维度对这座立体城市的划分进行一个拆解。示意图会当临绝顶,一览众山小。描述的正是登高望远的体验。那么想象一下,置身于城市的高点,是什么样的场景呢?破土于17米之上的低密凌空飞地,当大家认为这一切都还是概念的时候,【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!保利光合TOD已经提前输出这里生活理念了。实景图生活更便捷“建筑可以阅读,街区适合漫步,城市始终有温度”是上海对卓越全球城市的美好畅想,从保利·光合跃城出发,到达各个设施的距离更近,提高步行的“时间质量”。出门即街区与公园,春日暖阳,草木新绿,闻着咖啡香,看沿街的品质店铺各美其美,入夜月朗,璀璨的灯火次第亮起【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!。实景图拾级而上,约40米影院式超宽巨幕剧场,利用高差设置景观大台阶,肆意享受中央舞台的绚烂情境,无需奔赴,下【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!楼便能与缤纷新奇不期而遇,生活的每一刻都值得期待与探索。实景图居住更低密如今上海楼市新房供应马不停歇,一眼看上去选择不少,同质化的房子太多。究竟怎样的住宅,才是真正稀缺的?仅1.13容积率,就是答案。每降低0.1容积率,带来的改变可能是:楼栋减少0.5栋、楼间距增加2米、绿化率增加1%、日照增加15分钟等,【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!容积率决定上限,更有资本做出高端品质感,留存下引以为傲的底色。实景图仅10-13层亲地高度,减少建筑密度,缩减了人与自然之间的距离,让人拥有触手可得的景观体验。开阔楼间距32-70米,【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!意味着有足够空间打造景观,好似天空与树木延伸进了建筑里。实景图景观更开阔远观是漂浮在空中的花园,生活在其中感觉是无边界的社区,哪怕是低区房源都不必担心采光问题。你的1楼相当于别人家的7楼,【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!当视野逐步抬高,看到的是不一样的风景,霸占的是不一样的开阔视野。实景图私密性更好正因为有垂直的高度落差,社区即使没有外墙围挡,也能保证私密性。这样做还有一点好处,能有效避免了上海黄梅天住宅一层潮湿的问题。【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!可以说,如果在这里居住,找到的是生活的感觉,而不是活着的感觉。实景图【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!小程序03建面约106㎡3房用产品力突破市场不得不说,以上种种优势,足以让保利光合跃城稳坐云端但,在它看来,这样还不够,产品的塑造力才是取得市场青睐的“核武器”。【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!只有可生长的空间,才能适配成长家庭【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!。建面约106㎡三房两厅两卫,一梯两户无连廊,不仅得房率高,而且私密性更强。建面约106㎡三房两厅两卫LDKB一体化设计,客餐厅、厨房、阳台融为整体构建起“生活场景中心”,独立又共通。三开间朝南+南北通透+动静分区,无论是从纵向上拉升立体感,还是横向上拓展可变空间,都是在立体面实现居住空间的变化。【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!实景图270度转角大阳台,IMAX级观景面尽收眼底,进一步凸显了内外皆公园的景观资源优势。次卧可以推门即达阳台,【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!双向出入动线灵活自由,增添便捷与温馨。实景图酒店式主卧大套房,关上房门就是主人的“小世界”。私享衣帽间,独立卫浴,瞰景飘窗,仪式尊贵和私密精致得到了细心呵护,【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!缔造主人舒缓自在的生活日常。实景图在复制黏贴盛行的当代,保利·光合跃城始终在探寻突破的可能,空间的张力,更隐藏在创新的细节。高品质精工交付,够大牌的装标,用品质的诚意打动你。独立入户式玄关,超强收纳系统让杂物隐身。内置鞋柜精灵,品质不单是一个简单的词汇,更是一个个可以被真实触摸的产品细节。【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!实景图全屋墙布,客厅背景墙岩板交付,在装标方面可谓诚意满满。新风系统、地暖系统、中央空调,给你恒温恒净恒湿的四季如春,充分满足人们在“住”上的实际需求。实景图开放式厨房设计,三面环形的台面,洗涤区、烹饪区及操作台等空间划分明确。配备方太三大件,摩恩水槽、高仪龙头,即便多一【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!个人在厨房里帮忙,也不会拥挤。方寸之间,为家人营造一方美味空间。实景图卫生间全部配备唯宝、高仪品牌,给大家更值得的直观感受。细致入微的质感,从生活习惯与日常动线出发,承载无限设计的美学空间。【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!实景图保利·光合跃城更有建面约143㎡奢适四房,这是一种超越使用功能之上,更高层次的改善。整体的舒适度和阔绰感显露无疑,能够给改善客群带来“新期待”。建面约143㎡四房两厅两卫试想一下,当窗外的水系在缓缓移动,【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!国际住宅定格在落地窗前,公园里的树影婆娑,站在落地窗前的你,心跳是不是也跟着停顿了几秒?一览城市、水系、街区、公园全能景观,那一瞬间,似乎整个大城都匍匐在脚下,掌控一切的从容油然而生。看到这里,你是不是也心动了?实景图持续兑现的现在,与越来越接近的未来,实例便是兑现能力的证明。从一纸蓝图的美好描摹,到触手可及的实景体验,以上你所看到的,只不过是保利光合TOD的开始,放眼未来,它的价值或许远超你想象。【 Minhang Poly Photosynthyue City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works! "Friendly tips: The model room adopts the reservation system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" Choose products with robust assets, often have the ability to cross the cycle, but also to pursue a higher cost performance, maintain a constant value under the support of its rarity, and become the real "hard currency" on the market.Reality pictureTOD low density villas + unit price of 54,800 /㎡ from (housing number: 17-33-102), especially over 10 billion total sales amount, 1,621 owners of the popularity of the guarantee, [Minhang Poly Yuancheng] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! Such a project favored by most people must be a more valuable existence in Shanghai!Here you can already see the skyline of TOD Big City, buy the authentic TOD on the rail interchange, 3 traffic lights can easily go to Central. 【 Minhang Poly Photosynthyue City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works!Reality picturePoly Photosynthesis TOD, king of Minhang, returns with new low-secret bungalows to bring you a valuable experience of advanced life. Poly · Photosynthesis Jump city, only 1.13 plot ratio [Minhang Poly Photosynthesis Jump City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works! 【 Minhang Poly Photosynthyue City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works! The construction area is about 106㎡ all-round growth type 3 rooms, the construction area is about 143㎡ Kan Jingkuan Hall in one step, only a small number of rooms remain!Really understand the temper of the Shanghai property market, know the business friends, do not want to miss this opportunity.Reality picture【 Minhang Poly Photosynthyue City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works!Small program01Leading the TOD5.0 eraThe super center of the big city is all around the traffic, linking the city is the bottom logic of the traffic, but also the top design of TOD. As the evolution of the city is endless, [Minhang Poly Yuancheng] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) surprise phenomenon works! TOD's progress has not stopped.Reality pictureToday, Poly leads Shanghai into the TOD5.0 era with a powerful industry-city interconnection complex shaped by the overall high-level integration of subway + park + industry + commerce + city + residence + people. 【 Minhang Poly Photosynthyue City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works! A vibrant and sustainable TOD city center also confirms Poly Photosynthesis TOD core hub landmark status.Schematic drawingMillions of wonderful, is from longing to become dailyThe majestic volume is born to bear the surging potential energy of city-level works. It is not only a project development, but also a regional urban reconstruction. When the ambition of the overall operation of the million square big city surging [Minhang Poly Yuancheng] official sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) surprise phenomenon works! The dividends of The Times and the opportunities of the city are more related to you this time.Reality pictureThe intimate distance from the sex, that's what mattersWalking distance, 5 stops XuhuiThe higher the traffic level, the greater the value of the lot, known as the western artery of Line 15, from north to south in connection with 3 science and technology parks, 9 colleges and universities. From the project to Line 15 Yuanjiang Road station, the real walk to [Minhang Poly Yuancheng] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! When you measure with your feet, you have a more personal experience. 5 stations Xuhui, 9 stations Shanghai South Station, 12 stations Caohejing, can also transfer to 1/2/3/7/13 line, etc., to hold the throat of urban development.Schematic drawingThree traffic lights go to CentralIt is also convenient to drive by car, and it is easy to go to Central with 3 traffic lights. Yuanjiang Road from the west to the east series of Jiamin high frame, Hujin Expressway, Hongmei viaduct, Longwu Road and other major traffic roads, quickly into the city and big Hongqiao, 【 Minhang Poly Yuancheng 】 Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! Through the Shenjiahu Expressway on the south side, the convenient switching between Pudong and Puxi "double airports" can be realized.Reality pictureAbout 20,000 square meters of superblock photosynthesis, get a sneak peekBehind the "million square" figure, there are clues of human fireworks flowing. The versatile facilities that have grown here, in almost every corner, can be seen to surprise. In the super block of about 20,000 square meters, [Minhang Poly Photosynthetic Yue City] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) discovered phenomenon works! The construction covers about 4,600 square meters of modern commercial street, about 5,000 square meters of community facilities, and about 10,000 square meters of Fengying block.Schematic drawingCover about 10,000 square meters of Fengying blockThe rich neighborhood has been presented to you in real life. Block and life integration, fireworks and art symbiosis, vitality and quiet, people are free to meet, so that the traditional centralized facilities dotted in the community [Minhang Poly Yuancheng] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! Every corner, let the gorgeous high-grade fireworks gas spread everywhere.Imagine sitting in a coffee bar with your girlfriends on a breezy afternoon, sharing your latest happiness, with the rippling lake and lush park below, as if you were in a park. 【 Minhang Poly Photosynthyue City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works!Reality pictureReality pictureGrowing in about 200,000 square meters of super waterfront double parkShanghai is never short of parks, the scarcity is really live in the city [Minhang Poly Yu Yue City] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! The life inside. About 200,000 square meters of double theme waterfront parks define contemporary urban waterfront life in Shanghai.Today, about 40,000 square meters of waterfront city park complete real scene display, professional level of about 1300 square meters of pop art skateboard park, seems to have become a new sports mecca in Shanghai, 【 Minhang Poly Yuancheng 】 Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! To realize the free access to the park is to realize the free imagination of life.Reality pictureEducation Empowerment: Strategic signing of two major education groupsEducation is the soul of the city's soft power competition, Poly Light TOD also has high-quality education land (planned for kindergartens and primary schools), has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Minhang District Chunshen Education Development Foundation, Minhang District Experimental Primary School Education Group, the future will introduce a variety of high-quality education resources. In the future, children will feel the "school at home", parents will pick up more easily, and children will be safer. 【 Minhang Poly Photosynthyue City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works!Two major international residences are taking shapeFrom our aerial footage, we can see that Poly Photosynthesis Zhen Garden and Poly Photosynthesis Upper City have begun to take shape, and Poly Photosynthesis TOD has begun to form a scale. In this era, the value seen is fulfilled, which is where confidence lies.Reality pictureIf interested in the projectPlease click on the mini program to make an appointmentGold data AI form Register questionnaire collection exam,,,Exclusive offer Poly Photosynthesis Jump CitySmall program02When the low dense air meets villa class bungalowJust like a city, there are sparse and dense, there are functions and pleasures, there are facilities and life; More importantly, Poly has its own "character and temperament".Looking at the city from a different Angle, we found a life closer to the future, from 0 meters waterfront park City, to 10 meters of rich fireworks stage, and then to 17 meters of quiet low-secret residence, 【 Minhang Poly Yuancheng 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline). Let's disassemble the division of this three-dimensional city from the spatial dimension.Schematic drawingWhen the peak, a list of small mountains. It's the experience of being up there. So imagine being at the top of the city, what would it be like? Breaking ground in the low-density volley enclave above 17 meters, when everyone thinks that all this is still a concept, [Minhang Poly Yuancheng] official sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! Poly Photosynthesis TOD has already exported the concept of life here in advance.Reality pictureMore convenient life"The buildings can be read, the streets are suitable for walking, and the city always has a temperature" is Shanghai's beautiful imagination of the outstanding global city, starting from Poly · Photosynthesis Leap City, the distance to each facility is closer, and the "time quality" of walking is improved.Go out that the block and the park, the spring sun is warm, the vegetation is green, smell the coffee, see the quality shops along the street their beauty, the night moon lang, bright lights lit up again and again [Minhang Poly Light Yue City] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! .Reality pictureUp the stairs, about 40 meters of cinema style super wide giant screen theater, the use of height difference to set landscape steps, want-to enjoy the gorgeous situation of the central stage, there is no need to go, the official sales office of [Minhang Poly Yuecheng] Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) surprise phenomenon works! The building can meet with colorful novelty unexpectedly, and every moment of life is worth looking forward to and exploring.Reality pictureLiving in lower densityNowadays, the supply of new homes in the Shanghai property market is non-stop, and at a glance, there are many choices and too many homogenized houses. What kind of housing is really scarce? Just 1.13 floor area ratio is the answer.Every 0.1 reduction in floor area ratio, the changes may be: 0.5 buildings reduced, the spacing of the buildings increased by 2 meters, the green rate increased by 1%, the sunshine increased by 15 minutes, etc., 【 Minhang Poly Photoyuecheng 】 Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! The floor area ratio determines the upper limit, and we have the capital to make a sense of high-end quality and retain the background color we are proud of.Reality pictureOnly 10-13 floors are close to the ground, reducing the building density, reducing the distance between people and nature, and allowing people to have a landscape experience at their fingertips. Open floor spacing 32-70 meters, [Minhang Poly Yuancheng] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! This means that there is enough space to create a view, as if the sky and trees extend into the building.Reality pictureMore open landscapeFrom a distance, it is a garden floating in the air, living in it feels like a borderless community, and even the low area houses do not have to worry about lighting problems. Your 1st floor is equivalent to the 7th floor of someone else's home, 【 Minhang Poly Yuancheng 】 Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Surprise phenomenon works! When the field of view is gradually raised, you will see a different scenery and occupy a different open vision.Reality pictureBetter privacyBecause of the vertical height difference, the community can ensure privacy even without external walls. This also has the advantage of effectively avoiding the problem of humidity on the first floor of Shanghai Huangmeitian residence. 【 Minhang Poly Photosynthyue City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works! 【 Minhang Poly Photosynthyue City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works! It can be said that if you live here, you will find the feeling of life, not the feeling of being alive.Reality picture【 Minhang Poly Photosynthyue City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works!Small program03The building surface is about 106 square meters and 3 roomsBreak through the market with product powerIt has to be said that the above advantages are enough for Poly to sit firmly in the cloud, but in its view, it is not enough, and the shaping power of the product is the "nuclear weapon" that gets the favor of the market. 【 Minhang Poly Photosynthyue City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works!Only the space can be grown, in order to adapt to the growth of the family [Minhang Poly Photosynthetic Yue City] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! . The building surface is about 106 square meters, three rooms, two rooms and two bathrooms, a ladder and two households without connecting corridors, not only the room rate is high, but also the privacy is stronger.The building surface is about 106 square meters, three rooms, two halls and two bathroomsLDKB integrated design, guest restaurant, kitchen, balcony integrated into the whole to build a "life scene center", independent and common. The three rooms face south + north and south transparent + dynamic and dynamic zoning, whether from the vertical lift three-dimensional sense, or the horizontal expansion of variable space, is to achieve the change of living space in the three-dimensional plane. 【 Minhang Poly Photosynthyue City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works!Reality picture270 degree Angle large balcony, IMAX-level view, further highlights the advantages of landscape resources inside and outside the park. The second bedroom can push the door to reach the balcony, 【 Minhang Poly Yuancheng 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! Two-way access line is flexible and free, adding convenience and warmth.Reality pictureHotel style master bedroom suite, close the door is the master's "small world". Private cloakroom, independent bathroom, eye view bay window, ceremony noble and private exquisite has been carefully cared for, 【 Minhang Poly Yuancheng 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! Create a relaxed and comfortable daily life of the master.Reality pictureIn the contemporary era of replication and adhesion, Poly · Photosynthesis has always been exploring the possibility of breakthroughs, the tension of space, and more hidden in the details of innovation. High-quality seiko delivery, enough big name labeling, the quality of goods sincerity to move you.Independent entry door, super storage system to make debris invisible. Built-in shoe cabinet elf, quality is not only a simple word, but also a product detail that can be truly touched. 【 Minhang Poly Photosynthyue City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works!Reality pictureThe whole house wall cloth, the living room background wall rock plate delivery, in terms of installation can be said to be full of sincerity. Fresh air system, floor heating system, central air conditioning, give you constant temperature and constant humidity of the four seasons like spring, fully meet the actual needs of people in "live".Reality pictureOpen kitchen design, three sides of the ring table, washing area, cooking area and operating table and other Spaces are clearly divided. Equipped with Fang Tai three major pieces, Moen sink, Gaoyi faucet, even if more than one [Minhang Poly photosynthesis Yue City] official sale【闵行保利光合跃城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!